Sunday, 26 May 2024

Rusty Tyne Bridge

Magnificent patterns 

Of rusty metal

Decorate this bridge

Weakening it’s structure 

Loosening it’s bolts 

Telling a story of wear and tear

Showing pride, like tattoos

But they happen to be scars

Of a battled past

Time in itself does that…

Generations cross it 

Each of them carrying more

Unfelt imperfections 

And unhealed cuts and bruises.

How long can this bridge go

Without rejuvenating;

Without love?

I risk to cross it

I walk towards you

In fear of falling 

In fear of the bridge

Not taking my heavy heart…

Fast waters underneath 

Threaten to wash away

Memories and emotions

And take me away

Into the depths of the oceans. 

It’s okay if so.

I’ll turn into an octopus 

Dancing in the floating waters

Splashing sand like glitter 

Changing colours like clothes

And collecting precious rocks.


Margarida Ventura

Sunday, 28 January 2024

A Lassie’s Envy

I stand with my eyes closed 

Imagining your breath slowly steaming my eyes

The moist breeze in my neck 

Makes me shiver and get closer for warmth and comfort 

Longing your touch 

Longing your voice saying my name

The bottle of whiskey steams too 

In your breath of appreciation.

I’m jealous!

I don’t taste like peaty exotic honey. 

Do I make your lips tingle like her?

Please swallow me in slow sips, 

In between the fast chords of your guitar, like you do to her…

Take your time in my sweet lips too

And then leave me again…

Put me down on the table, waiting for another thirst spell! 

I’ll just be watching you play. 

In the dark cold nights of deep introspection, 

You can swallow me in big gulps 

I’ll make you dizzy and dazed, 

With lost loose thoughts of ‘maybes’ and ‘what ifs’. 

I’ll make you feel better.

But I know I just won’t wash your throat with the same warmth 

I know I just won’t make you long for me the same way. 

(A poem for a Burns Night competition for Malt of whiskey- submitted on 28th January 2024)